Misconceptions Debunked

“African Men”

by Mama hope

This incredible-chilling video, created by Mama Hope, depicts African men voicing myths and common misconceptions about themselves.

A misconception:

“A view or opinion that is incorrect because it is based on faulty thinking or understanding.” Many misconceptions are commonly developed as a result of media, peer perception, or authoritative influence.

The continent is huge and very diverse, with thousands of languages. Common South African Languages, out of 11, include: Zulu, Xhosa Afrikaans, and English!

Native Language(s)


Urban centers are rapidly growing through cities. There’s technology, WIFI, and beautiful architecture.


There is a great variety of pigment and skin color throughout different regions and tribes in Africa. Immigrants from other continents who came to Africa generations prior, led to a diverse nation.

It’s Safe!

It’s safe to visit Cape Town! Bigger cities, like Johannesburg and Cape Town are required by government, and the tourism industry, to ensure safety. However, like any place, there are unsafe areas; just be alert and vigilant no matter where you are, and never walk alone.

Drink Up!

Water in South Africa is among the best in the world and safe for drinking and cooking! That being said, not all tap water is safe in the rural areas, so just make sure take precautions.